All posts by david

Prototyping Board 2: Arduino shield

Prototyping Board #2

This board is the number 2 in the “Permanent Breadboards” series. This time, the layout is no more a simple direct copy of a classic breadboard: it’s a mix between a stripboard and an Arduino shield!

The Prototyping Boards are designed to offer the same look and feel as classic breadboards, with the ability to solder connexions: yes, you will have to solder 🙂
In other words, you’ll keep your prototype for life time!
Continue reading Prototyping Board 2: Arduino shield

Here’s an excerpt from a topic about temperature compensators in exponential converters on Modwiggler forum:

Frequency drift is caused by the two transistors in the exponential converter being at different temperatures and minimised by them being on the same substrate. This is temperature balancing. Temperature compensation with tempco resistors tries to stop the Volts/oct changing by matching the exponential term which is proportional to absolute temperature. At 25 deg C the amount of change for 1 deg is 1/(273 + 25) = 0.33557% or 3355.7ppm. That is where the figure comes from, it is not 3300pmm or 3000ppm or 3500ppm or anything else.

Continue reading About Tempcos in exponential converters

Protect your module power inputs

This is an interesting solution, from, to provide protection against reverse connection of power supply as well as overcurrent protection caused by any kind of short circuit:

Power input protection and filtering is highly recommended for all modules! See below.

Module Power Input Protection

PS1 and PS2 are polyfuse resettable fuses available in various mA ratings. A typical module with a 50 mA current draw would use 100mA versions.
A power supply reversal causes the diodes to conduct, creating a short circuit. That condition or a short on the PCB causes the polyfuses to heat up and go into current limiting.


Now I tend to simply use series diodes on power rails instead. Polyfuse might take some time to react, and then can cause some stress on your PSU. Besides, their “ON” resistance is not negligible.
Keep in mind that diodes have a dropout voltage when in conducting mode. Anyway, a good design should not use the power rails as voltage reference.