All posts by david

MFOS Weird Sound Generator in SMT

The SMT adaptation was a hobby project. The MFOS designs are the property of SynthCube.
If you want to buy PCB for the MFOS synths, please visit

Here comes my next conversion of Ray’s classic analog synthesizer, the Weird Sound Generator!

Eurorack version of MFOS Weird Sound Generator, with prototype laser etched front panel

This is the same process as for my previous SMT/Eurorack conversion of the Sound Lab Mini-Synth. The circuit is identical to the original, including component references.

Continue reading MFOS Weird Sound Generator in SMT

MFOS Sound Lab Mini-Synth in SMT – Assembly Instructions – v1.2

The SMT adaptation was a hobby project. The MFOS designs are the property of SynthCube.
If you want to buy PCB for the MFOS synths, please visit

MFOS Sound Lab Mini-Synth is a cool analog monophonic synthesizer. The original version has been created by Ray Wilson from Music From Outer Space.

Prototype with lasercut MDF frontpanel

Continue reading MFOS Sound Lab Mini-Synth in SMT – Assembly Instructions – v1.2

ダンケルクに日本語レッスンをできます。 Cours de japonais à Dunkerque 2018 – 2019
Il est possible de suivre des cours de japonais – débutants ou confirmés – 23 scéances de 1h30 par semaine, d’octobre à mai, grâce à l’association Des savoirs à Dunkerque.

Les cours sont dispensés dans les locaux du lycée Jean Bart, le mardi de 18h15 à 19h45 pour les débutants, et le jeudi de 18h15 à 19h45 pour les confirmés.

L’inscription pour l’année s’effectue le 20 septembre 2018 à 18h à la MVA, lors de l’assemblée générale de l’association.
Il est également possible de s’inscrire après cette date.
Les cours débuteront la première semaine du mois d’octobre.

Pour plus de renseignements, il faut contacter :

Des savoirs à Dunkerque – Maison de la Vie Associative
Terre Plein du Jeu de Mail – 59140 Dunkerque

KiCad 3D Library – BOURNS-3296

I’m updating all my current designs in order to incorporate WRL/STEP 3D models. They provide a convenient way to check mechanical issues, especially with cases and front panels.

Bourns 3296 Trimpots
The Bourns 3296 3/8″ Trimpots are missing from the official KiCad 3D Library, so I decided to create my own.

It’s also a useful way to learn how to use FreeCAD and Github.
I’m also using kicad StepUp for model conversion, alignement and scaling.

You can find my 3D lib on GitHub here:

Eurorack Stripboard – Power Supply Tips

Eurorack Stripboards have a dedicated zone layed out for Power Supply connection. You will find here some useful informations on how to use it.

About the power connector, I personnaly recommend to use boxed IDC Headers (HE10 style). They prevent from reverse and misaligned connections. But you can also use simple pin headers (breakable strips).

You also have the choice between 10 and 16 pin connectors. Both are fine. You can just use what is the most convenient to you. If you have plenty of 16/10 pin cables, then choose a 10 pin connector. If you have more 16/16 cables, then use a 16 pin connector…
It is customary to use a 10 pin connector if your module only requires -12/+12V rails. When you see a 10 pin connector on a module you immediately understand the module doesn’t require the +5V rail.

The 10 pin connector is soldered as on the picture below:

Simply align pin 1 on pin 1.

The capacitors are recommended only on rails where you actually draw current. Especially on modules with switching components (blinking LEDs…) who can create noise on your rails. 1 to 10µF is ok. The voltage rating should not be under 25V.

Diodes protect your module. Wire them as shown on the picture below:

Pay attention to polarity!

Or you can just skip them and use jumper links instead. The diodes are only for protection purpose. They block reverse voltages in case of bad Power Cable or incorrectly powered Bus.
Any 1N400x is ok. Use Schottky Diodes instead if you require lower forward voltage drop. Silicon Diodes such as 1N400x will lower the power rail by, at least, 0.7V: 12 – 0.7 = 11.3V only. Schottky Diodes have a forward voltage drop of roughly 0.4V, giving you 11.6V on your rail.

NB, the diodes should have been placed before the capacitors to create an effective LP filter… and help protect the filtering caps too in case of reverse Power supply polarity. So I encourage you to add a capacitor on each rail after the diodes instead of the initial dedicated area.