Here is the recommended order to assemble the 3 to 1 Precision Adder module Version 1.0c. Please read the entire procedure before starting the soldering job. Feel free to adapt these steps to your needs and personal workflow.
Start by soldering the smaller components. Resistors are not polarized.
Small, ceramic or plastic capacitors are not polarized.
Electrolytic capacitors are polarized. Be careful! An incorrectly positioned capacitor may explode.
I highly recommend to not solder immediately the components that are attached to (or to be aligned with) the front panel:
Instead, I suggest to first position the jack sockets on the PCB, without soldering them. Second, present the front panel over the components, then secure them in place by tightening the nuts. Example here: J1 and J8.
Once everything is in place, solder only one pin per component. Check the alignement. Reflow the soldered pad for any component that would require an adjustment.
When you're satisfied, finish by soldering all the remaining pads.
This manipulation can be tedious, but the goal is to get both a perfect alignment of the controls and avoid any tension on the solder joints. If you start by soldering the pins before, and tighten the nuts afterward, you might risk to damage the pads on the PCB, bend the front panel and get poorly aligned components. Of course, the difficulty here is to keep everything in place without soldering. If needed, you can solder just one pin before positioning the front panel, but remember to reflow that pin once the nuts are tightened, in order to release the tension on the pad.