Video Archives
MFOS WSG Demo: Triplet of Ray Wilson’s weird noise generators
Jason built these three WSG:
SLMS demo by Modular Audio Devices
DM77 First demo
The DM77 is a clone of the famous drum synth Coron DS8. It’s essentially a VCO associated with an Envelope generator and its VCA. But it can also be used as a simple, almost standalone, synth.
Here’s a quick demo of two DM77 playing the Chase theme by G. Moroder. The purpose of the video is to show the 1V/Octave tracking capabilities of the DM77.
Simple LFO video in Modular in a Week
Thank you Kristian for this excellent video and your friendly support!
A short demo of the SLMS, showing the following features: CV input, Low Pass filter with resonance, VCA, Gate input, Attack/Release with retrig and LFO.
The CV and Gate signals are generated by MIDI interface CVpal by Mutable Instruments. The sequence is generated by Qtractor on Linux.
Recorded with my Tascam DR-08.
A quick and dirty demo on the capabilities of the WSG. Warning, lot of sounds.