- Doepfer’s DIY page
- Eurorack format Mechanical details Doepfer A-100 Mechanical details
- Eurorack Unit/HP Converter
- Wikimodules (FR)
- Eurorack Rails DIY Guide
- Tiptop Audio Z-Rails
- Elby Designs – EuroSynth – FracRak Comparisons
1U Eurorack
Cool Synths, blogs…
- Music From Outer Space
- The ASM-1 homepage
- HAGIWO/ハギヲ
- 音源とオーディオの電子工作 (Construction of Electronic Audio and Sound sources)
- Etude des racks RSF – EXPANDER 1
- Schematic archives (RSF Kobol…)
General Electronic Topics
Electronic CAD
- KiCad – A Cross Platform and Open Source Electronics Design Automation Suite
- http://gerblook.org
- https://tracespace.io (exports realistic SVG pictures)
- Gingerbread is a tool that helps convert artistic drawings to PCB
- WaveDrom draws your Timing Diagram or Waveform from simple textual description.
- JLC PCB SMD Assembly Component Catalogue
- SVG integrated circuits on WikiMedia
- resisto.rs (Resistor color bands)
- Resistor color code (image from wikipedia)
Electronic Design Tools
- Falstad’s Circuit Simulator
- Okawa Electric Design – Engineering Design Utilities
- Electronic references @ “hyperphysics”
PCB Design References
Mechanical CAD
- FreeCAD
- KiCad StepUp – FreeCAD WorkBench to help in Mechanical Collaboration between KiCad EDA and FreeCAD
- SheetMetal – Simple sheet metal workbench for FreeCAD
- Fasteners – FreeCAD workbench to add/attach various fasteners to parts
Service manuals and schematics
Various topics
Arduino projects
Visualization of global weather conditions
Plotter Art
- Turtletoy (Example: Flying Chaos)
- Awesome Plotters
- DrawingBotV3
- DrawingBotV3
- HalftonePAL
- HalftonePAL
- Sekonic plotter manual
- DrawingBots.net
- Plotterfun
- Plotter-Vision
- city roads
- Home of FREE SVG files for plotters and drawing robots
Dear David,
Many thanks for the goodies sent with my four DH Prototyping PCB’s!
THONK used to sell Pot chiclets, then discontinued them; I would regularly purchase them if you had them on the Tindie site!!!
Best wishes,